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Will you lead cultural change or be lead by it

The question is not 

Will you change? 

Will you lead the change or be lead by it?

The question is

We implement cultural change
faster, cheaper, and

with fewer headaches. 

Our Pulscipline™ Change System has been used to transform cultures, facilitate mergers, create hi-performance working environments, and improve leadership effectiveness in a wide variety of companies, cultures, and contexts. In all cases, significant and sustainable change was achieved in slightly over one year.

We offer a wide range of training programs to support change management efforts in large organizations. Our programs are used to build organizational competence, create robust change strategies, align the leadership, develop change management skills, and  engage employees.

Our change management consulting services can help design the change strategy, audit the effectiveness of the change project, and provide assistance in the transformation process. They can be used to support a full cultural change effort, assist in a particular step of the change process, or help overcome a specific inhibitor.

Cultural Change Results

and with fewer headaches

faster, cheaper,

We implement cultural change


Cultural Change image

We implement cultural change
faster, cheaper, and with fewer headaches

Key Differences

  • Our Pulscipline™ Cultural-Change System

  • Our experience

  • Our projects are led by proven leaders

  • We guide organizations through the change

  • We develop in-house capability for change

  • We coach your leaders to implement the change

  • Our methodology is structured and practical

  • Our results are measurable

  • Our satisfaction guarantee


To change the culture of an organization, we first need to develop the organization's capability to implement change.
  • Develop the structure, tools, and processes for organizational change

  • Develop an in-depth understanding of change management

  • Develop skills critical for leading people, teams, and organizations through change

  • Develop an empowering working-environment that facilitates change

  • Develop the mindset and structures for high-performance and continuous improvement

  • Improve leadership effectiveness

  • Increase the acceptance and buy-in of employees to change

Cultural Change system picture

Once our work is finished, the newly acquired capability renders the organization more agile and better equipped to handle change.


Once we finish a change project, our clients use their new capability in change management to successfully lead change efforts long after we are gone.


Our programs develop the full range of skills and understanding critical for implementing cultural change in a large organization. 

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This program develops an in-depth understanding of cultural change critical for setting up and directing an organization through cultural change.

Leading Change Training Program

This program develops the mindset and skills leaders need to implement the organization's cultural-change strategy, lead their people through change, and overcome resistances to change.

Employee Engagement Program Training Program

This program develops the understanding, skills and motivation employees need to effectively engage in the cultural change effort.

HR Strategic Partner for Cultural Change

This program provides HR managers with an understanding of the models, methods, and best practices of cultural-change critical for being an effective strategic partner in setting up and implementing cultural-change in their organizations.

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This program develops an in-depth understanding of the inhibitors of change and present a methodology to identify and remove them throughout the change process.

Art & Science of Cultural Change Training Program

This program develops the fundamental understanding of both the people and technical sides of change management.

Cultural Change for Executives

This program develops an in-depth understanding of the human and technical side of cultural change and introduce a method for implementing cultural change that has achieved a 100% success rate.


Satisfaction Guarantee

We are so confident in the quality of our training programs and consulting services that we offer a satisfaction guarantee; if for any reason you are not satisfied with a service we delivered, we will not invoice that service.

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