It is commonly said that over 70% of corporate cultural-change efforts fail to achieve their objectives. This is surprising considering cultural-change strategies are developed by seasoned executives who are experts in restructuring an organization and implementing very complex projects. Clearly, there is something different about cultural change that they are missing.
To provide executives with an in-depth understanding of the human and technical side of cultural change critical for setting up and managing a global cultural-change effort.
Who For
For executives and others responsible for setting up the global cultural-change effort
Different Usages of this Program
The understanding from this program can be used to:
Set up a global cultural-change effort
Assess the risks and weaknesses of a cultural-change project before implementation
Identify adaptations to a current cultural change effort that is not progressing as planned
Results Expected
Increase the probability of success of your cultural-change effort
Decrease the time and resources needed to implement the change
Design a more robust cultural change strategy and support structure
Design a measurement tool that can guide the transformation process
Create a strategy and methodology to identify and remove inhibitors
Develop an engagement strategy for sites, leaders, and employees
Better manage the cultural-change process
Identify critical support for site leaders, site directors, and team leaders
1 day if delivered as a stand-alone training program
2 days if delivered as part of a workshop to set up a global cultural-change effort
How we use the program
We integrate this training program into a 2-day workshop when we are setting up a global cultural-change effort. This program develops the understanding needed to then set up the global cultural-change strategy, structure, and systems.
This program is part of our Pulscipline™ Cultural-Change System
āLearn From the Mistakes of Others
Learn from the mistakes and successes of others through case studies
Common “blind spots” and elements missing in most cultural-change strategies
Imperatives for cultural change
Basic Understanding of CULTURAL CHANGE
Differences between cultural change, change management and project management
How culture can improve the results obtained
Review a process for restoring a positive environment after demotivating changes
Removing Inhibitors of Change
Review the 6 forms of Inhibitors (resistance and derailment factors)
Identify probable inhibitors casued by the headquarters, culture, and leadership style
Review a methodology for identifying and removing inhibitors
Measurement Tool
How to create a global measurement-tool and system
How sites should adapt the global measurement tool to their specific situations
How to monitor the progress of the different sites
Global Cultural-Change Strategy
Review the Roles & Responsibilities for the different levels of leaders
Key components of the change strategy and project structure
Review the steps of cultural change and how to create a global and local roadmaps
Site Cultural-Change Strategies
How the sites should transform the global strategy into a site cultural-change strategy
Understand what must be similar and different in the sites’ cultural-change strategies
How to overcome the initial wall of resistance when starting the transformation
Global Support Systems
Identify the skills that need to be develop and who should receive the training
Understand how the global support team can support the different sites
Identify the support site leaders will need throughout the transformation process
Managing the Cultural Change
Review guidelines for leading and supporting the implementation process
How to spread the buy-in and engagement throughout the organization and sites
How to leverage the success of some sites to provide extra support to other sites