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Did you know there’s no universally accepted leadership term for middle managers, and 95% of the middle managers we encounter say they "do not have time to lead because they have too many things to do"? Middle managers play a critical leadership role: they implement the organization’s strategy, align the organization, coach emerging leaders, and create environments that bring out the best in people. They also build and manage the systems that determine organizational efficiency and results. Without a clear understanding of their role, many end up micromanaging their departments


From Manager to Leader
Leading People & Managing Performance

To develop the mindset and skills middle managers need to embrace their roles, lead leaders, and improve organizational efficiency and results.

Key Outcomes for Participants
  • Improved Leadership Effectiveness: Develop higher level leadership skills and better balance your leadership and management responsibilities.

  • Reduced Workload: Focus on the right things, improve delegation, and eliminate micromanagement.

  • Provide Better Support: Better distribute responsibilities and provide the support your department needs.

  • Improved Coaching: Gain an understanding of the different leadership roles allowing you to better coach your team leaders.

  • Improved Results: Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your department.

Key Benefits for the Organization
  • Improved Organizational Alignment: Departments and teams become more focused on achieving the organization's strategy, reducing wasted effort and resources.

  • Higher Employee Engagement and Retention: Promote a leadership approach that creates a stimulating and engaging culture that motivates people to stay.

  • Strengthened Leadership Pipeline: Better develop and retain your best leaders, thereby strengthening the leadership pipeline.

  • Improved Organizational Performance: With increased alignment and efficiency, along with a more effective distribution of responsibilities, the organization can achieve more with fewer resources.

  • Improved Agility: Agility is the result of effective middle-level leadership, as they become more effective, the organization becomes more agile.


Who For

For middle-level leaders


3 days

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How we use this program

When improving organizational performance, we integrate this program into the development process. We deliver the various modules at specific moments of the change journey and then coach the leaders in applying their new skills. This approach ensures that leaders develop the necessary competencies precisely when the organization requires them.

This program is part of our Pulscipline™ Cultural-Change System.


Role of the Middle-Level Leader​
  • The role of the middle-leader in implementing the organization’s strategy

  • Identifying the structures and systems needed to support the strategy

  • How to communicate the strategy for obtaining buy-in

  • Review critical responsibilities of the middle-level leader

Leading Leaders
  • The difference between leading leaders and leading team members

  • How to align the different layers of leaders in your department or function

  • How to spread buy-in, engagement, and ownership in your leadership and department

  • The importance of ownership and how to obtain it

Enabling High Performance and Sustaining Results
  • Review the characteristics of high-performance

  • Review systems that enable high-performance

    • Direction-Setting systems

    • Continuous Improvement systems

    • Energy systems

  • How to build and manage structures and systems of high-performance

  • How to sustain high-performance

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